Healing Through Sports, one game at a time.
About Us
Military Adaptive Court Sports (MACS) provides a “turn-key” 6-week Pickleball, Racquetball & Badminton instruction programs tailored to the needs of veteran and active duty service members with visible and invisible injuries and their families. We are also adding a Boccia Program in the near future. Participants graduate from our initial 6-week clinic and continue on to the next cycle of instruction by adding new participants into the program.
We work directly with the facility (military installation, local pickleball club, parks & rec centers or YMCA) to provide the veterans the opportunity to use the facility on their own time to enhance their community integration.
We communicate with the local VA hospitals, veteran based-organizations (local DAV’s and VFW’s chapters), CBOC’s (Community Based Outreach Clinics), VA-CRRC’s (Community Referrals and Resource Centers), HUD-VASH programs to provide literature on current and/or future programs that are or will be taking place in their areas.
Most recently, MACS has joined forces with Army Soldier Recovery Units (SRU), Navy Safe Harbor, Wounded Warrior Marine Corps Battalion East, Air Force Wounded Warrior Care Unit (AFW2), and the Army’s Wounded Transition (AW2) to familiarize injured/ill active-duty members to our adaptive programs.
Want to learn more about MACS?
MACS Leadership
Steven Harper USN LCDR (RET)
Executive Director & Padel Coordinator / Instructor
Hank Marcus
Co-Founder & Board Member
Peggine Tellez
CFO & Board Member
Gabe George
Pickleball Coordinator/Instructor & Board Member
Steve Kearney
Badminton and Table Tennis Coordinator/Instructor & Board Member
Terry Rogers
Racquetball Coordinator/Instructor & Board Member
Steve Lerner
Marketing Director